Welcome to Sunderland Counselling Service

Helping Improve Your Quality of Life, Mental Health and Wellbeing

All our services are available for everyone to access and we are here for you

We can support you to access other services you might need 

You can choose to have face to face counselling or counselling by phone or video


We're Here to Help

Here to get you the right help

For more than four decades Sunderland Counselling Services has helped thousands of people. We are here to get you the right help.

We are a service born from local people in Sunderland and we aim to be open and receptive to help support people from all communities in the area.

By responding to the questions below you will quickly have access to support. The buttons will lead you to further questions or to information about where you can get help.

New Job Vacancies Available

Please visit our 'Get Involved' Page for more information

Get the Help You Need

You can talk with us in complete confidence

Our Work Throughout the Region

Information about our Counselling Service in Sunderland for April 2024

We received over
referrals in April 2024
% of our clients are male
% of attendees in our GP service showed signs of improvement

For more information on the successful work we do and the fantastic outcomes we achieve, please email [email protected] or call 0191 5147007.

Sunderland Counselling Service offer a range of therapies and counselling services across the North East.


Our map on the left shows the areas we work in.

We provide you with a safe environment to talk in confidence to one of our qualified counsellors.

We provide our services from our main office located at 51 John Street Sunderland, as well as a number of outreach locations to help you to gain access to the support you require easily.

Appointments are available:

Mon & Tues 9.00 – 19.30
Wed 9.00 – 16.30
Thurs 9.00 – 19.30
Fri 9.00 – 16.00

We Offer Specialist Counselling

We offer a number of specialist counselling services.

Our counsellors working in these specialist counselling services will use the person-centered approach and will also have specialist training to meet the needs of a particular group of people.

Our Specialist Counselling areas are:

Bereavement Counselling
Living with Cancer and End of Life Counselling
Trauma Counselling for Survivors of Sexual Violence
Workplace Occupational Health Counselling
Counselling for Children and Young People

Please see our items on the Our Services menu for more information.


The core principles of
Person-Centered Counselling are:

  • With the right support, everyone has the ability to change and grow
  • A positive, supportive, and caring relationship can help that change
  • You are the best who knows what is best for you

Everyone who has counselling with us will receive:

Empathy – Your counsellor will do their best to understand you and your experiences by learning to ‘walk in your shoes’

Unconditional Positive Regard – Your counsellor will care about you and not make any judgements about who you are, your lifestyle or the decisions you have made

Congruence – Your counsellor will be honest with you

Confidential – Everything you say in the counselling room will be confidential, except when you or someone else may be harmed

Focus – Your counsellor will help you focus on what issues are bothering you

Safety – Your counsellor will work with you to feel safe in the counselling room to get what you need from counselling

Our Partners

We are proud to be working with a wide range of partners, who share our commitment, and through their continued support we have been able to provide a wide range of services to our community.

Some of our projects are operated locally, others across the North East region. They all have one thing in common which is to listen, support and engage with people so that they can improve their quality of life, mental health and wellbeing.

If you have a project that you feel meets our values aims and objectives get in touch with us: [email protected]